Randy Ingermanson
CLICK on the YELLOW BOOK to find purchase options for Writing Fiction for Dummies at Amazon.com
I have subscribed to Randy Ingermanson's blog since 2010. I met Mr. Ingermanson at a writer's conference in October of 2010. I was so impressed by him, that I immediately bought his book, Writing Fiction for Dummies.
Below, find a link to his website. I think you will find Mr. Ingermanson's advise to writers worth a look.
Advanced Writing Fiction: http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/ezine/index.php
(From Mr. Ingermanson's Amazon.com Author's Page:)
Randy Ingermanson wants to take you on a wretched, miserable, dangerous vacation with a few geeky-smart characters who could never get dates in high school. But they’re all grown up now—they’re smart, they’re savvy, and some might even consider them sexy. And they’re in way over their heads on a high-tech adventure. Randy likes to mix science, religion, romance, and adventure into his novels. He must be conflicted. He has a PhD from UC Berkeley in theoretical physics and has won two Christy awards for excellence in Christian fiction. Yeah, very conflicted. Randy lives at an undisclosed location in the Pacific Northwest and serves the needs of three surly cats. Too conflicted for words.
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