Writing Tips In a Nutshell: How to Write Great Flash Fiction
This article is a re-blog from my Wordpress series by the same name.
1.Flash Fiction is a story that is between 300 and 1000 words.
2. It takes micro-moments from the larger picture.
3. Sets the story in the first paragraph.
4. Starts in the middle of the action.
5. Keeps description at a minimum.
6. Choose a single powerful image.
7. Keeps the reader guessing until the end.
8. Alludes to a larger known story.
9. Has a twist that packs a punch at the end of the story.
References and Other Related Articles:
Flash Fiction Writing: http://www.fictionfactor.com/guests/flashfiction.html
Flash Fiction: http://www.flashfictiononline.com/
Flash Fiction Net: http://www.flashfictiononline.com/
Flash What? A Quick Look at Flash Fiction: http://www.writing-world.com/fiction/flash.shtml
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